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Paddock Records and Grazing Management

Paddock records, grazing and pasture improvement
20 articles
Paddock HistoryFull paddock history on the Mobile App and Web App
Paddock ListView your paddock list from the Mobile App
Feed on Offer (Forage Availability)Record paddock Feed On Offer (FOO) from the Mobile App and the Web App
Paddock Treatment (Spray and Fertilise)Treat your paddocks as you would like to be treated
Paddock Withholding PeriodWhat happens once you apply a treatment with a withholding period to a paddock?
Connect Paddocks with GatesLet your livestock run in multiple paddocks
Cultivation RecordsCultivate a paddock with ease
Sow a PaddockLearn how to sow a paddock from the AgriWebb Mobile App.
HarvestCreate a harvest record and store your harvest on or off farm
Grazing Planning and Feed BudgetingFind all the features within AgriWebb that contribute to effective grazing management and feed budgeting.
Rotational PlannerPlan, manage and monitor your grazing rotations
Managing Planned Livestock Movements (Rotational Planner)How to handle livestock movements associated with your grazing rotations from the Rotational Planner
Stocking RateView your total stocking rate and paddock stocking rate
Cell and Strip GrazingHow to split and strip graze your paddocks.
Grazing Chart ReportView insights to understand paddock performance related to your grazing rotations
Paddock Treatment ReportLearn how to review your Paddock Treatment History in AgriWebb.
Cultivation ReportSeeing all your cultivation records in one place
Harvest ReportView all your harvest data in one place.
Sowing ReportSee a summary of all your sowing events.
Paddock Cost of Production and Gross MarginView a summary of all your paddock costs.