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Grazing Planning and Feed Budgeting

Find all the features within AgriWebb that contribute to effective grazing management and feed budgeting.

Updated over 3 months ago

Finding the optimal stocking rate to maximise production is a key challenge of livestock grazing enterprises. The grazing features in AgriWebb allow you to identify room for opportunity based on your historic records, for example, identifying which paddocks may be under or over grazed and how quickly they bounce back after being grazed.

This article walks through the features available in AgriWebb to help inform your grazing management objectives and implement desired improvements.

For the purposes of this article, we are using AE / DSE as our animal unit rating example, but you can choose whichever unit rating you wish through your farm settings. Check out our full guide to Animal Units to learn how to select the default unit for your operation

Gathering your Grazing data

The first step in the process is to make sure you are capturing the relevant data points to later review and analyse. Within AgriWebb you will be able to record the following data points as paddock records: Feed on offer, pasture growth rate, target residual amounts.

Best practice is to update these records in real time as you conduct livestock movements in and out of the paddocks so the data stays up to date. A note here is to ensure the livestock in AgriWebb have an accurate stocking load/animal unit selected. Refer to the guide on animal units and how to update them here: Animal Units.

Majority of the records will be input by the app user, however for those in Australia, there is an integration with Cibo labs available to automatically capture your total standing dry matter (TSD) value via satellite.

You will be able to manually enter your grazing data on both the Web App and Mobile App.

Mobile App

On your mobile device you will be able to add this data through our ‘Map’ tab as seen in the image below


Make sure you have selected the Paddock option at the top of the page, then clicking on the desired paddock will present you with the Paddock Dialogue page with all the current grazing information.

Select ‘Paddock Record’ at the bottom of the screen to bring up the record options that can be made in regards to both forage measurements and treatments against the paddock.

Once your desired record has been selected and the information has been input in, the Paddock Dialogue page should then reflect the change with updated readings.

Web App

Find your desired paddock and click into the paddock dialogue for the paddock, in the top right hand corner you will then find the “ Create Paddock Record” button.

Furthermore you can also navigate to this through the paddock tab on the web portal, which is found within the toolbar on the left hand side.

Clicking into this will then allow for you to make any forage records against the paddock from the options that are available, these being- Feed on offer, Target Residual, Pasture Growth Rate, Forage Utilisation.

These will then be updated on the Paddock Dialogue page on the right hand side to represent the changes that have been made.

Automatic Forage Recording

Through our partnership with Cibo Labs you will be able to have your forage data automatically flow through to your AgriWebb account. The data will flow through in line with your Cibo Pasture Key updates which are typically every 5 days. You can see in the image below the data which is pushed through to AgriWebb. See more detail in the Cibo Labs article here.

Ensuring that Animal Units are recorded correctly

If you are moving your animals frequently on AgriWebb or the DSE values need adjusting, you may need to update these ratings.

In the paddock dialogue you will want to select ‘Mobs’ at the top of the page > Create Mob Record > DSE for our Web based platform.

Similarly on the App you will want to follow similar steps to those above. Select the desired paddock> Mobs > Animal Record > DSE.

When creating a movement record, it will also present you with the opportunity to update this information in the grazing plan window, refreshing all of your forage information. (Note this is only available on our mob based subscriptions)

Visualising Forage Data through Map Insights

With this information now being readily available within AgriWebb you are able to project it across your Farm Maps to give you valuable insights into how your paddocks are performing. You may look to utilise this to identify the number of days grazed for a paddock or the current stocking rates across the property.

On the Mobile App, select the cog symbol to show the map settings. Under insights, select change to see the different options.

On the Web App, go to Insights in the top left corner.

When monitoring or planning your grazing rotations, consider the following:

Grazing days remaining

This is calculated by AgriWebb based on Feed on Offer (FOO), Pasture Growth Rate, Stocking Rate, Planned Supplemental Feed and Target Residual set by users. This can be useful to help identify which mobs need to be moved next. To read about how grazing days remaining are calculated, click the link to find out more!

How are Grazing Days Remaining Calculated?

In the mob platform, the following data points are required to calculate how many grazing days are available in a paddock:

  • Current FOO (feed on offer)

  • Target Residual

  • Animal Units (DSE/AE/LSE)

  • Pasture Growth Rate

AgriWebb's calculation for Grazing Days Remaining is as follows:

(Current FOO) - (Target Residual) / (Consumption Rate*) - (Pasture Growth Rate)

Consumption Rate

The consumption rate is calculated from the animal units recorded against the mob. For reference, AgriWebb uses the industry standard of 1 DSE = 1kg. However, you can see all values for animal units for different countries by logging into the Web App and heading to Account > Farm Settings > Animal Units. Further details can also be found in our article on Animal Units.

Pasture Growth Rate

If the value for pasture growth rate is not updated, it defaults to 0 and the above calculation for Grazing Days Remaining will only use the value from the FOO field.

In the IAM platform, there is slightly more flexibility to calculate stocking loads and units (which will arrive in the mob platform in time) which are explained in our article on Animal Units (Individuals).

Days Empty (Spelling Period)

This is useful to help identify which paddocks your mobs should be moved to next, by quickly identifying which paddocks have been spelled the longest.

Feed on Offer (FOO)

This is updated either manually by users or automatically via the Cibo Labs integration. This is useful to help identify which paddocks your mobs should be moved to next, by quickly identifying which paddocks have the most feed on offer.

Using this information to design a Rotational Plan

The Rotational Planner will allow for you to use the information that you have gathered regarding forage and help to plan the most optimal grazing plans for your property.

You can navigate to this tool through our Grazing tab, found below Livestock.

Reporting on Historic Grazing Information

Grazing Chart

The grazing chart report provides a holistic view of rotations across the farm. This gives a historical view of all livestock movements, even if they are not part of a planned rotation.

Rotations can be viewed across various periods, using the date picker like on other reports. The report will default to a rolling 12 month view, but you can reduce to just see the last month or few months if you prefer. The report shows ALL your paddocks on farm.

Paddock Grazing Intensity report

Select Paddock grazing intensity from the Reports section.

Livestock load (DSE Day), Livestock load (DSE Day/ha), Number of days grazed, days empty and grazing percentage across all your paddocks will be displayed here.

Note "Grazing %" is a calculation based on the number of days grazed within the selected date period, expressed as a percentage.

AgriWebb's calculation for Grazing % is as follows:

  1. Days Empty + Days Grazed = Total Days in Period

  2. Number of Grazed Days / Total Days = Grazing %

DSE load by Paddock report

Select DSE load by paddock from the Reports section.

The opening, closing and average stocking rate from across all your paddocks is displayed here. At the top of the page toggle across to view Stocking Rate (ha/DSE), Rainfall (DSE/ha/100mm) and the Cumulative Stocking Load information from your operation.

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