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Farm and Mobile App Settings

Customise your settings
12 articles
Mobile App SettingsCustomise the Mobile App
Weather Forecast on Mobile App Home ScreenShow a 6 day forecast on the home screen of the AgriWebb mobile app with percentage chance of rain on each of the days.
Farm Management SettingsConfigure settings across your farms, check user access and edit farm details
Animal UnitsSelecting between DSE, LSU, AE and other worldwide animal unit systems
Units of MeasurementConfiguring your preferred measurement units
Favourite Livestock BreedsManage your livestock breeds in Farm Settings
Add A New FarmEasily add and switch between multiple farms
Switch Between FarmsSwitch between farms on AgriWebb with ease!
Farm vs BlockWhats the difference?
Email NotificationsTransaction Email Notifications in AgriWebb
Single Species SettingsSet your preference for Sheep or Cattle to match what you run on farm
Contact ManagementSave your important contacts in one place and save time creating records.