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Mobile App Settings

Customise the Mobile App

Updated over a week ago

Within the AgriWebb Mobile App there are many functions that can be customised to suit your needs. The majority of these can be edited from the Settings page.

Press Menu in the bottom corner of the screen and select settings.

menu icon

The Settings page allows you to customise the following values:


  • Map Mode

  • Enable GPS Tracking

Record Keeping

  • Always show advanced fields

Sync Options

  • Enable background sync

  • Manual sync all farms by default

Home Page

  • Show Rainfall Summary

  • Default Rain Gauge

  • Show Weather Forecast


Units of Measurement 

  • Area

  • Animal Units

  • Currency

Map Mode

AgriWebb will display a satellite view by default but you can change this by pressing the down arrow and selecting one of your choosing which includes Normal, Hybrid or Terrain. 

Enable GPS Tracking

Allows you to show your current location on the map when the GPS is enabled on your advice. Your current location will be indicated by a blue circle on the Farm map.

Show Advanced fields

Advanced fields are important for your audit compliance. By default, we hide these advanced fields to make it easier for the majority of our users to create records. Toggle this button on to automatically display all of the advanced fields when creating records.

Enable Background Sync

While the Mobile App is open it will periodically transfer updates to and from the AgriWebb cloud in the background. We recommend always having Background Sync enabled.

Manual Sync all farms by default

If you have more than one farm within your account this allows you to manually sync all of the farms simultaneously by default. 

Show Rainfall Summary 

Toggle this function to view your Rainfall records on the Home screen of the mobile App. 

Default rain gauge 

Allows you to select a default rain gauge which will automatically be chosen when inputting new rainfall records. 

Show Weather Forecast 

Toggle this to display a 6 day regional weather forecast on the home page. The forecast is powered by Dark Sky. 


Allows set the default language used throughout the application. The mobile App can currently be displayed in English, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. 


Allows you to set the unit of area measurements for Area’s and Paddocks as Hectares or Acres. The default setting is on the Agriwebb mobile app is Hectares. 

Animal Units 

Allows you to select animal units for livestock grazing between Dry Sheep Equivalent (DSE), Adult Equivalent (AE) and Livestock Units (LSU) 


Allows you to select the currency to be used throughout the application. This can currently be displayed on the mobile App in US Dollar, AUS Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling, NZ Dollar, Brazilian Real and South African Rand.  

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