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Farm vs Block

Whats the difference?

Updated over 10 months ago

When setting up your farm it's important to consider your operation, especially if you have multiple farms. 

The Difference

The concept of a "block" is simply the grouping of paddocks together into a single "block". You can run multiple blocks on the one map. Running your farms as blocks will mean everything is on the same map. 

Setting them up as seperate farms will mean having one map per farm. 

When working out if your farms should be run as blocks or seperate farms you'll need to ask yourself a couple of questions:

1. Do you run the farms under the same business?

If you run them as the same business it's better to have your farms on AgriWebb as different blocks on the one map. This means all your reports are combined. It also allows for you to transfer stock between your different blocks. 

2. Are your farms under different PICs?

If your farms are run under different PICs then it would be best to keep them as seperate farms on AgriWebb. In this way your reports will be seperate. Transferring stock between the farms would be via sales and purchases. Due to the fact that an NVD would be required in real-life. 

Note: For more information on adding a farm see our article Add Farm.

Running your Farms as Blocks

Running your farms as blocks would look like this. 

pasture mpas in color

You can toggle between the blocks by using the toggle icon on the mobile app.

edit livestock paddocks icon

You can add prefix's to the names of your paddocks to help distinguish between blocks in your reports. See our Prefix article for more. 

Running your Farms as Farms

By doing this each of your farms would be on their own map. You can toggle between these farms using the left navigation panel on the Web App. 

Click on the down arrow next to your farm name.

farm name icon

You can switch between farms on the mobile app by selecting Menu > Switch Farm

switch farm button

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