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Web App Farm Map
Web App Farm Map

Browse, search, update and add to your farm data from the Portal Farm Map

Updated over a week ago

Using AgriWebb's Farm Map

The new Portal Farm Map faster and easier to use with new mob icons and an advanced search tool.

Log in to the Portal and click Farm map on the left hand side to open the Farm Map.

farm mapping

Click the zoom button in the bottom right corner to zoom in or out on your farm map.

farm mapping program

Click the green +Add button on the top left hand side to add Paddocks, Mobs, Tasks, Area or Landmarks to your farm map.

farm mapping software

For more information on adding to your farm map use these help articles:

Click the blue Insights button to visualise different elements of your farm map. This includes User colours, Paddock colours, Crop type, Grazing days remaining, Feed on offer, Pasture growth rate and Stocking rate.

field mapping software

For example, click Stocking rate to the stocking rate within each paddock.

paddock management app

Learn more information on the farm map insights.

View the following buttons in the top right hand corner of the screen: Entire Farm, Next Block, View Options, and the Filter mobs search bar.

Navigating your Farm Map, and Filtering your Farm Data
Use the controls in the top right corner of the map move around your farm and change the farm map layout.

navigation buttons in best farm record keeping app

Entire Farm
Click Entire farm to zoom out to the whole farm map.

Next Block
If you have multiple blocks on your farm map, click Next Block to quickly and easily toggle to the next block on the farm map.

View Options
The View Options lets you change between different map layouts that make it easy to browse and filter the different features on your map e.g. Mobs. Paddocks, Tasks and Landmarks.

Use the filter textbox  to filter your farm data in the list and on the map. For example, when using the Livestock view option, you could type "orange" into the filter to show all orange tags, or using the Tasks view option you could search "fence" to see all the tasks relating to fences.

pasture management app

Exporting your Farm Map

You can export your farm map into a .json file. To do so, navigate to 'Tools' and the select 'Export Map'.

tools in cattle record keeping

The exported file can be converted to .shp or .kml file types using online converters for use in other software.

Helpful Links:

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