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Dam Performance Report (Individuals)

Analyze your dam's performance data

Updated over 11 months ago

Analyze your dam's performance data

The Dam Performance report delivers insights into your breeding stock performance from a reproduction, fertility, and carcass perspective.

By collecting and analyzing this data, you will have an opportunity to adjust your management practices and improve your genetic make-up to achieve a high-performing herd.

Note: This is only available on our performance subscriptions, reach out for a chat here if you would find this useful!

Go to your Web App and click on Reports from the left navigation panel.

date selector

From the top bar make sure you select the Individuals section. Under Production Reports, click Dam Performance report.

To see the data for a specific breeding season make sure the date range set includes all the record dates for that season e.g. from joining through to calving/lambing. To view data across the dam's lifetime, put the start date back to when you started using AgriWebb.

To get offspring data into the Dam Performance report, you can do 2 things:

  1. Add parentage / Dam details via

    1. Editing an individual animal (make sure to go to "Advanced" details)

Below is a table describing some of the columns and the records that coincide with the data captured through your records.




No. of exposures

How many times animals have been exposed to a sire via joining or AI within the reporting date period

AI and Joining records

Age at first exposure

Age at which the animal was bred by natural service or AI

AI and Joining records


Total number of times animal has been pregnant within reporting date period

Preg scanning records

Not pregnant

Total number of times animal has failed to conceive after exposure within reporting date period

Preg scanning records


Total number of singles the animal has produced within reporting date period

Preg scanning records


Total number of multiples the animal has produced within reporting date period

Preg scanning records


Total number of twins the animal has produced within reporting date period

Preg scanning records


Total number of triplets the animal has produced within reporting date period

Preg scanning records


Total number of singles the animal has produced within reporting date period

Preg scanning records

Scanning from exposure %

Total # of positive preg scans/ Total # of exposures within the reporting date period

AI, Joining, and Pregnancy scan records

Empty from exposure %

Total # negative preg scans/ Total # of exposures within the reporting date period

AI, Joining, and Pregnancy scan records


List of all the animal's offspring within the reporting date period.

Birth records

No. of offspring

Total number of offspring the animals has produced within the reporting date range

Birth records

No. of male offspring

Total number of male offspring the animal has produced within the reporting date range

Birth records

No of female offspring

Total number of female offspring the animal has produced within the reporting date range

Birth records

Offspring from Scanning %

Total #of offspring/ Total # of positive preg scans within the reporting date period

Pregnancy scan and Birth records

Offspring from exposure %

Total # of offspring/Total # of exposures within the reporting date period

AI, Joining and Birth records

Avg Birthing Interval

Amount of time between each birth recorded within the reporting date period

Birth records

Age at first birth

Age of the animal when it first gave birth

Birth records

Days since last birth

Number of days since last birth

Birth records

No. of stillborn

Total # of stillborn births recorded within the reporting date period

Birth records

No. of assisted births

Total number of assisted births within the reporting date period

Birth records

Avg calving difficulty

Avg calving difficulty score for births within the reporting date period

Birth records

Avg aggressiveness

Avg aggressiveness score during births within the reporting date range

Birth records

Avg after birth difficulty

Avg after birth difficulty score within the reporting date range

Birth records

No. of offspring weaned

Total number of offspring the animals has weaned within the reporting date period

Birth records and weaning records

Total weight weaned

Total amount of weight of all weaned animals within the reporting date range.

Birth records and weaning records

Lactation Status

Latest Wet or Dry lactation status recorded within the reporting date period

Observation records

Weaning from birth %

Total # of weaned animals/ Total # of births recorded within the reporting date period

Weaning and Birth records

Avg weaning age

Avg age animals were weaned within the reporting date range

Weaning records

Body weight weaned %

Total body weight of weaned animal/ total body weight of dam within the reporting date period. Offspring and dam must have a weight record within a two week window of the offspring's weaning date.

Weight and Weaning records

Offspring retained

Number of offspring that are still on-farm. Off-farm animals are either sold, transferred or dead.

Birth and sale records

No. of offspring died

Number of offspring dead post birth before weaning.

Birth and Death records

Carcass live weight avg

Avg live weight of all carcasses within the reporting date period

Sale records

Carcass weight avg

Avg weight of all carcasses within the reporting date period

Sale records

Carcass marbling score avg

Avg carcass marbling score of all animals within the reporting date range

Sale records

Quality grade

Score based on carcass maturity and marbling

Sale records

Yield grade

Score based on the estimated percent retail yield of the four primal cuts

Sale records

Quick Tip: Consider grouping your breeding management groups into young, mature, or cull dams to see a performance breakdown of each lifecycle. When viewing the report you can then group by Age Class or Management Group to give you a detailed look of the performance of your animals. To learn more about customizing your reports, check out our article on Reporting.

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