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Ageing Up Livestock

Changing the age of your livestock is simple, here's how.

Updated over a week ago

Ageing your livestock from calves/lambs to weaners is done automatically when you create a weaning record. For more information on weaning see our help article here.

Changing the age of your livestock after weaning is as simple as altering their age class. See below for a step by step guide.

Mobile App

You can edit your mobs age class via the Mob Details page. You can find this page through your Farm Map by simply select the mob and then View Details.

view details button

From here select More and then Edit. To change the age class of your mob select the Age Class drop down menu.

age classing cows

From this drop down menu you can alter the age class of your mob.

Web App

You can change your livestocks age class by selecting the mob on the farm map. From here you can select View Details > Edit Details on the mob of choice.

view details button

Similar to the mobile app, you can use the drop down menu to select a new age class for that mob.

age class dropdown

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