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Livestock Treatments

Treat your livestock as you would like to be treated

Updated over 4 months ago

Learn how to record your livestock vaccinations and apply livestock treatments on the Mobile and Web App. 

Create a New Livestock Treatment

Mobile App

On the Mobile App press on the Map icon and Select the Livestock tab.

livestock top navigation

Tap the livestock that you wish to treat, this will bring up the Paddock Overview. Select Animal Record then Treatment if you want all the livestock in the paddock to be treated.

animal record icon in farm and ranch management software

To treat livestock mobs individually, select Mobs and Mobs and click the livestock you wish to treat.

mobs selector in online farm management software

Then select Treat.

treat icon

Pick a treatment from your inventory. Learn how to add items to your inventory here, or add on the go by pressing '+ add custom treatment'.

treatment selector in agricultural farm management software

Once treatment is selected, you can treat multiple livestock groups by selecting them from the list, then press Next. You can group livestock by Title, Paddock, Tag etc by pressing the drop-down menu.

Once you have picked your treatment and animals, you can fill out the fields available. Please note that there is a basic or advanced setting for the treatment record. This will make different fields visible. It is encouraged to add as much detail as possible to this record, however only the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required to complete the record.

Note: some of this information will calculate automatically or pull directly from your inventory, however you can still override this and fill in different details.

livestock treatment record form

The next step is to select your containers from your inventory. Learn how to add items to your inventory here, or add a new container on the go by pressing '+ Add New Container'. Once you have selected the necessary inventory items, hit 'confirm container selection'.

animal treatment record

If you are using multiple containers of chemical during this treatment, simply select all necessary containers, drag and drop them into the desired order, then hit 'confirm usage order'.

livestock treatment records

You can then fill in any application and cost data, and when you have finished, press Save.

Web App

On the Web App press on the Livestock tab and select the Add Records button.

add records and new mob buttons

Select Treatment.

create new livestock record form

Pick the chemical that you will be using during this treatment

treatment options in agriculture farm management system

Select your date and mobs, then fill in the treatment information, including:

  • Dosage (by weight or per head)

  • Spillage

  • Total amount used

  • Reason for treatment

  • Application methods

Note: some of this information will calculate automatically or pull directly from your inventory, however you can still override this and fill in different details.

livestock records by mob

The next step is to select your containers from your inventory, and if you are using multiple containers, order them accordingly by dragging and dropping. Once you have done this, hit 'confirm container selections'.

select livestock records screen

You can then input any application or cost data, and when you are done, hit save.

livestock medicine application form

Edit or Delete a Treatment Record


Navigate into your livestock tab > and click on the mobs name in question. In the mobs history, find the treatment record and hit edit.

livestock treatment record

Correct any necessary details and hit save. Note that records can only be deleted from the mobile app, read on to learn how...

You can also edit treatment records directly from your treatment record report. To do so, navigate on the web to reports > treatment records.

livestock lifecycle records

Find the record that needs adjusting and hit edit > adjust details > save.

edit button


From the Livestock Summary, select the History tab at the top. Select the treatment record and tap the item arrow >.

livestock treatment history report

From the Treatment Record summary page, you can Edit, Duplicate, Add a Note or Delete the treatment record. To finalise your changes, press Save.

tools to edit livestock records

Review and analyse your treatment record information from the Treatment record Report.

Treat an Individual Animal from a Mob

Treating an individual animal within a mob can be achieved on the mobile app by following these steps.

1. Draft

Select the Map icon and then press on the Livestock Tab. From here find and select the livestock group you are wanting to treat.

livestock records top navigation

Select Mobs and Mobs again. Then click on the mob with the individual you want to treat.

mob selector in australian farm management software

Select More > Move. You must move them out of their original paddock at this point i.e into hospital paddock or yards. You can also choose to move them back into that original paddock as well.

move icon

If you wish to record more information on the individual animal being treated, on the new livestock group press View Details > More > Edit. Then press the Individual Tracking tab at the top of the screen and fill out the necessary fields.

edit livestock mob form

2. Treat

Select the livestock group of one from the map, and select Animal Record then Treatment.

animal record icon in best farm management software

From here you can select the treatment type and the dose. Note: For more information on treating livestock see our article here.

3. Merge

Once you have finished the course of individual treatments you can merge this animal back into its original mob. Drag the individual animal back into the original paddock, you can leave the individual animal group seperate or choose to merge mobs in target paddock to add back into the original livestock group.

merge mobs in livestock record keeping app

To merge mobs, they must have the same Tag Colour, Management Tag, Breed and Age Class. Note: For a step by step guide on merging mobs see our article here.

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