Your inventory is a real time view of current feed and chemical stocks on farm. You can manage the inventory from both Mobile and Web Apps.
When adding your inventory, determine whether you want to add separate units or one combined unit and adjust the values of each field accordingly.
Adding Inventory Items on the Mobile App 📱
Follow these steps to add, edit, duplicate and delete inventory.
1. Select Menu, from the bottom right of your screen
2. Under the Inventory heading, select the relevant Inventory category you wish to add, edit, duplicate or delete.
Select + Add to create new inventory item and fill in relevant fields.
Duplicate, Edit, Add Note and Archive
Select the inventory item by tapping on the item arrow > to the right of the item. Use the toolbar at the bottom of the page to duplicate, edit, add notes, record, archive, or delete the item.
You can change the details of the item by tapping Edit.
Note: Editing an inventory item will not automatically change records previously added using that inventory item. To reflect the updated inventory on a previously applied record, you will need to find the record in the Livestock or Paddock history, edit and save the record. This process will update the record with the updated details.
When editing the Remaining amount in your containers you must also fill in Remaining accurate as of date. This will create record in the items history to indicate at what date this level was recorded.
Scan the details into AgriWebb
Using the standard, 'scan text' option on many current phone softwares, you can scan the text for batch numbers, expiry dates and names of products into the text fields within AgriWebb.
1. Press and hold on the empty text field
2. Choose 'Autofill', then 'Scan text'
3. The camera appears and you can scan the text on labels to enter it into the respective fields. Makes life much easier!
Searching, Inventory States and Filtering on the Mobile App
Use the search box to find the inventory item you need.
You can see you Archived Inventory list by tapping on the Current Inventory drop down arrow and selecting Archived.
Use the toggles on the right of the drop down arrow to filter your list by Inventory states. These being:
Low (Note: <15% remaining)
Entering Multiple Containers
When entering in multiple containers that share the same batch number and expiry it's important to choose the correct method to suit your enterprise.
Combined Containers
If all containers share the same batch number and expiry you can add these into AgriWebb as one combined unit. Simply adjust the Container Size field to the sum of all the containers (i.e 5x10mL containers = 50mL).
Note: Ensure you fill in the Number of Containers field with 1.
Separate Containers
You can also enter them in as seperate containers, one for each physical container. For this method simply fill in the Number of Containers field with the number containers you physically have. For example, if you had 5 containers of Ultravac you would fill this field with 5. This will create seperate line items for each container.
Note: When treating animals and livestock with these items you'll need to follow the steps explained in our Multi-Batch Treatments article.
Adjusting Container Amounts
When editing the Remaining amount in your containers you must also fill in Remaining accurate as of date. This will create record in the items history to indicate at what date this level was recorded.
Note: When adding an Inventory item, and then backdating a treatment record. Ensure the Remaining accurate as of date is prior to the application date, otherwise it will add the treatment record BUT not remove the correct amount out of the inventory item.
To solve, you can Edit and Save the Accurate as of Date to before the treatment date.
Managing Inventory on the Web App 💻
Select Inventory from the left hand toolbar.
Choose one of the Paddock Treatments, Livestock Treatments and Feed categories at the top of the screen
To add inventory, select the New Inventory button on the right hand side. Fill in the fields with details you wish to record and confirm by selecting Save.
Use the buttons beside each entry to Edit, Copy, Archive and Delete your inventory items.
Use the delete option if an item has been mistakenly added, This will completely remove the item from your inventory.
If the item has been used on an associated record, it will not be able to be deleted. Instead use the Archive option to hide the item from your current inventory. You can also archive empty or expired items.
Inventory States and Filtering
Inventory items have a specific state that can then be used for filtering. This allows you to quickly monitor and manage your inventory.
Inventory items are labelled with their state in the 'Inventory State' column.
Note: Low is determined as having <15% of its contents remaining.
You can use these labels to filter by an item's inventory state. Tap Filters at the top of the page to reveal filter options.
Use the checkboxes to select a combination of filters then tap Hide to close the panel.
Archived Items
To view your archived items, use the Current Inventory or Archived toggle at the top of the page to switch between your inventories.
You can also similarly unarchive an item by clicking the Unarchive button. Note: To edit an archived item, you will need to unarchive it first.
Feed Inventory and Commodity Records
To manage a feed inventory item click the highlighted value in the Storage Location column to open the Details window.
Use the buttons at the top of the details window to record Edits, Purchases, Sales or Archive the items. The Edit Value button will let you quickly update only the monetary value of the feed.
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