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Feed Record

Time for a feed!

Updated this week

Looking to record a feed activity?

Create a New feed Record

Mobile App

On the Mobile App press on the Map icon and Select the Livestock tab at the top of the page.

Select the livestock group you wish to feed, this will bring up the Paddock Dialogue. Press Animal Record and then Feed if you want all livestock in that paddock to be fed.

You can also access the feed record from the mob's summary page to feed a single mob. To do so, select the mob you wish to feed from the Paddock Dialogue screen.

Press Feed at the bottom of the screen.

Fill out the date, feed details and feed allocation.

Create a Feed Mix

As Separate Feed

Tap the “+ Create a Feed Mix” to launch the inventory selector and select your feeds. If the feed is not yet in your inventory press Add Feed and fill out the necessary information followed by Save.

Once you have your feeds selected fill in the name of your mix.

Define your feed mix by Total Amount or a Ratio.

  • Total Amount: Once the total amount is filled in for all items, the ratio of each feed will be updated automatically.

Note: If the total amount supplied on the Details page exceeds the total amount entered in the feed mix composition, the ratio will be used to determine the total amount of each item.

  • Ratio: Values entered must equal 100%

Add one or more separate feeds to the record. Each feed will appear on the details page as a separate entry in which the amount supplied can be entered.

Tap the “+ Add Seperate Feed ” to launch the inventory selector and select a feed from your inventory.

If the feed is not yet in you inventory press Add Feed and fill out the necessary information followed by Save.

Once you have your feeds selected press Next.

Note: Feed Supplements/ Lick Supplements can be added as a feed inventory item, and fed out using the above steps. It is suggested to name the 'Storage Location' as the name of the product and put 'Feed Type' as Supplement.

Feed Allocation

Once the feed has been selected you can enter the amount of feed supplied on the Details page.

Allocate per Paddock

Filling in the Average amount Per Head will calculate the Total Feed Quantity Supplied by using the total head of all livestock selected.

Allocate per Head

For all feed types excluding bales, you will have the option to choose the per head unit of feed as grams or kilograms.

Self Feeders

If you are filling up a self-feeder in the paddock, enter the total feed quantity supplied that was put into the feeder on that day. The feed records report or mob history will then also be able to provide you with some insights on the average daily consumption of the mob by taking into account the amount and day the feeders were filled.

When you have finished entering the details, press Save.

Web App

On the Web App press on the Livestock tab and select the Add Records button.

Select Feed.

Fill out the required details and hit save.

Edit or Delete a Feed Record


Navigate into your livestock tab > and click on the mobs name in question. In the mobs history, find the feed record and hit edit.

Correct any necessary details and hit save. Note that records can only be deleted from the mobile app, read on to learn how.

You can also edit feed records directly from your feed record report. To do so, navigate on the web to reports > feed records.

Find the record that needs adjusting and hit edit > adjust details > save.


From the Livestock Summary, select the History tab at the top. Select the feed record and tap the item arrow >.

From the Feed Record summary page, you can Edit, Duplicate, Add a Note or Delete the feed record. To finalise your changes, press Save.

Review and analyse your feed record information from the Feed Record Report.

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