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Audit and Compliance in Australia

Easily prepare for your upcoming audit if you farm in Australia

Updated over 2 months ago

See our free Audit and Accreditation Guide for a detailed look at the different accreditation schemes within Australia.

The key features of AgriWebb for audit readiness are:

  • Inventory

  • Animal and Paddock Treatment Records/Reports

  • Livestock Feed Records/Reports

  • Biosecurity

  • eNVD (available only on mob management subscriptions in AU)

  • NLIS integration (Available only on individual management subscriptions in AU)

For detail on uploading these records for an online LPA audit, read on here.


Every time you add or use Inventory in AgriWebb, you are able to view your live inventory from the Inventory tab on the Web App. From here, you can check the expiry dates, batch numbers, amount remaining, cost, withholding period, ESI and application rate. 

Quickly obtain a full picture of what you have on hand, display empties and expired batches or print the entire list for your auditor for both livestock and paddock treatment inventories.

From the Web App, select Inventory from the left navigation panel. You can print or save this list as a PDF or export as a CSV file. On the Mobile App, Inventory is found under Menu.

paddock treatment record keeping

Livestock, Paddock Treatment and Feed Records

Creating treatment records applies your inventory items to the livestock or paddocks, recording the key information needed for audit compliance. When you apply an inventory item to livestock or paddock, that information is recorded and stored in the Treatment Records on the reports page. This means you can easily review and print exact records of chemical and vaccine use for your auditor.

Follow these instructions for how to review and print or export your Treatment Records:

Click on the Reports from the left navigation panel

reports button

Select either Livestock Treatment Records or Paddock Treatment Records

livestock record keeping app

From here you can print individual records by clicking Print Record under the treatment name or you can click Print or Export to print/export the entire list of treatments.


An eNVD is an electronic version of the hardcopy National Vendor Declaration and is submitted directly from AgriWebb to the LPA.

eNVD’s can be created from the Web App and a record of all of your previous eNVD consignments can be viewed from the Livestock tab, by selecting eNVD at the top of the page. You can print or export these consignments as you need.

Make sure you check out our full eNVD article to learn more.

envd record keeping

Should I be using eNVD?

You can use eNVDs or paper NVDs to be compliant. However, eNVDs create less paperwork and allow for a more accurate transfer of information. They also create a greater visibility of stock details and allow for more efficient management. 

As of 18th of December you will need to use your MyMLA login to access the eNVD section on AgriWebb.
If you do not know your password, click here to access the MyMLA login page and select 'Forgot Password'.
Click here for more information on MyMLA.

Biosecurity Plan

Mitigate the risk of spreading infectious disease, pests or weeds and meet J-BAS requirements with the Biosecurity plan. Print off your plan, or use Print View mode to save your plan to your computer as a PDF and share it with the auditor. Learn how to create an AgriWebb Biosecurity plan in our comprehensive guide. 

print view button

Are you LPA accredited? Make sure you check out LPA’s Audit Checklist prior to your audit. Additionally, the MLA’s guide to Biosecurity and LPA explains more about the LPA’s on-farm biosecurity plan and its requirements. If you are part of another quality assurance program, visit their website to find out specifics of the compliance requirements as they may vary.

Livestock Reconciliation 

The Livestock Reconciliation report consolidates all your livestock records. You can track livestock from the moment they enter the farm through purchase or bred records through to either their death or sale. 

This gives you a comprehensive look at your starting and closing figures, letting you look back and reconcile your current figures as well as give your auditor a glimpse of your operations for the year.

From the Reports tab, click on Livestock Reconciliation report. You can also Print or Export this report for your auditor.

livestock reconciliation report

Submitting records for online LPA Audits

Farm Map

A detailed copy of the farm map including the satellite imagery and infrastructure can be saved as a screenshot of the Web App page. This will save a a photo file and easily uploaded on the LPA portal. Note that the print map option in AgriWebb will not include the satellite imagery or infrastructure so the screenshot will be your best bet!

Livestock, Paddock Treatment and Feed Reports

You can export your treatment or feed reports as a csv file from AgriWebb, however to upload to the LPA portal, you may need to open it in excel and save as a .xls file.


These consignments can be submitted directly to the LPA system at the time of completion or you can save a PDF version to upload to the LPA audit portal by selecting the Print option.

For further information on LPA online audits see their website. The image below from Integrity Systems highlights the records that meet LPA requirements.

envd audit records

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