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Reports & Data Driven Decisions

How to use your reports and insights to make informed decisions
24 articles
Feed ReportKeeping track of your feed is easy!
Livestock Treatment ReportHow to review your livestock treatments
Death Record ReportLearn how to analyse your livestock death records in AgriWebb.
Joining Reports in AgriWebbLearn how to analyse your joining data in AgriWebb
Movement Report - MobsTracking your Mob Movements
Wool Harvest ReportsLearn how to analyse your Wool Harvest Records in AgriWebb.
Purchase ReportCollate all your purchase records
Sale ReportView and analyse all your sale records.
Weaning ReportSee all your weaning numbers in one place
Livestock Reconciliation ReportTrack your livestock from when they enter the farm until their death or sale
Livestock Cost of Production and Gross MarginGain a comprehensive Insight into your financial position
Livestock ScheduleMake your accountants smile :)
Livestock Activity by Paddock ReportMonitor your mob movements by paddock.
Livestock Activity By User ReportTrack your livestock activity by account users!
AE / LSU / DSE Load by Paddock ReportView your AE / LSU / DSE by paddock over time.
Fertility ReportAnalyse your Fertility Data
Paddock Grazing Intensity ReportView you paddock grazing intensity
Livestock Weight Insights (Individuals)Understand trends in your animal weights
Multi Farm Reporting (Individuals)Running multiple farms? Learn how to aggregate your livestock inventory and reports for your farms all in one place.
Offspring Report (Individuals)Monitor and review all progeny from your herd
Animal Performance Reports (Individuals)Review your individual animals performance details and costs.
Dam Performance Report (Individuals)Analyze your dam's performance data
Notes ReportEasily see the notes you've made against your animals all in one place!