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Reporting Guide

AgriWebb reports do all the work for you, saving you time in the office!

Updated over 4 months ago

Reports are automatically generated as soon as you create records. The details in each of these records are added to your reports, giving you a comprehensive insight into your operation. 

Reports calculate your totals for you so you can forget about using your calculator or creating lengthy financial documents. Livestock Reconciliation, Livestock Gross Margin, Cost of Production, Treatments and Feed reports as well as much more, are all available from our Web App.

Note: Reports with vary based on your subscription plan. If you are looking to gain more in-depth reporting, see the link below or reach out to the Customer Support Team.

What reports are there and how do I access them?

Reports are available from our Web App.

Click on Reports from the left navigation panel

reports button

Click on the navigation at the top of the page to switch between the major reporting areas.

mob management records

Please note: Reports related to a type of record (treatment records, death records etc) have the filtering option to show 'All Records' as a date range. Reports under 'Production Reports' will not have this option, as they collate a variety of data points from different record types.

Analysing Reports

All of the reports are easily customisable so you can extract the exact information you need. Here are some simple tips and tricks to customise, group and filter your reports.

Filter Reports

If you only wish to see certain records and their totals use the Filter all columns box at the top of the page as a search bar for multiple keywords. Now only record items with the selected word will be shown.

screenshot filter reports

Note: This will also adjust the Total at the bottom right-hand side of the page.

Customising Columns

Select the Columns option to select which columns to display or hide.

text reading 'columns'

Changes are saved in your browser so next time you visit the report your customisations are remembered.

Please note that if you log out, any changes you made to the columns will revert to the default settings.

Click the Reset button to restore the columns to the defaults. Press Save to view your customised report.

customize columns menu

On some reports, such as the Livestock Reconciliation report, there are "grouping columns". All grouping columns are indicated using the icon below.

management tag buttom

Simply turn on or off these columns to split or collapse rows in the report. For example, turn on Management Tag column to breakout the report rows by Management Tag.

customize columns options

Reordering Columns

You can now reorder the columns on any report or table. Simply open the "Columns" list.

Using the arrows on the right hand side, drag and drop the column to position it where you want it show in the table.

how to customize columns

Sorting Columns

You can click on the arrows within a column to view data by ascending or descending order.

animal weight menu

Note: For those with multiple farms. Use the Farm column in your Paddocks List to make your Farm name visible. You can now export your paddock lists into CSVs, and combine them without loosing clarity over which paddocks below to which farms.

Group Reports

Use the Group By dropdown to group your report. This generates a subtotal and title column for a specific group within your report.

For example, by clicking Group By and selecting Livestock your report will now be organised by livestock name.

animal group reports

Adjusting the Date Range

Want to see only records from last month, last financial year or between a specific date range? 

Just click on the Date range box at the top of a report and customise the dates by using the Calendar tool. We have a few preset options for quick access!

farm management calendar feature

Note: For those with multiple farms, the date range selected on a report will persist across all your farms. Plus, the date range will save in the URL so you can share a report directly with your teammate and they will have the same view.

Default Date Range

Click Reset to return to your default date range. The default date aims to show you your recent relevant records.

If there are at least 6 months of records, it will default to the start of your financial year. Otherwise, it will show records either from the start of the year or from up to 6 months ago.

Customise your Financial Year

If your financial year dates are different to the preset options, these can be customised through your farm preferences.

Go to the Account page on the bottom left then click Farm Management.

farm management settings

Find your preferences by clicking Settings under the Edit dropdown.

On the left-hand side, the Financial Year tab shows your current financial year settings. To adjust it, simply select your starting date and hit Save.

farm management tool settings


From any report, click the Print button. Select whether you would like to Print as table or Print record list depending on your requirements.

print farm records


To export a report as a .csv file, simply click Export. This will download the report to your computer in the same way you currently have the report grouped or filtered. This file can now be opened and edited in Excel

file export from farm management tool
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