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Running "Other" Animals
Running "Other" Animals

How to track animals other than sheep and cattle

Updated over 4 months ago

You can monitor and track your other animals in AgriWebb in the same way you do your sheep and cattle. Examples include (but are not limited to) horses, dogs, pigs, alpacas, goats, deer and chickens. 

The only difference is that there are currently no map icons for other animals meaning that they will appear on your map as either a sheep or a cattle icon.

Set Up

You can enter in your 'other' animals in the same way you add mobs normally. To learn how to add in mobs see our Add Livestock article. If you are wanting to track your animals individually you can enter them in as mobs of one. 

You can choose whether to add them in as cattle or sheep after which you can customise their breed. 

Custom Breeds

You can create a custom breed by using the + Add New Breed button in the Select Breed section when adding animals. This custom breed will be added to your breed list. You'll be able to select it whenever you are adding more of the same animals in the future.

Mobile App

 When adding livestock, open the Breed list.

breed field in australian farm management software

Press Add a new breed to create your custom breed.

add new breed button in best farm management software

Once you are finished, press Create.

Web App

When adding livestock from the Farm Map, click the Add breed button to create your custom breed. 

breed dropdown in livestock farm management software

Once you are finished, press Create.


Moving your 'other' animals is done in the same way as sheep or cattle. See our Move Livestock article for more information. 


Depending on your animal type you can create paddocks for them to represent their housing. For example, if you're wanting to track your dogs you can make up a 'kennel' paddock for them. See our Drawing a Paddock article for more information.

If this paddock isn't going to be grazed or you don't want it contributing to your farm's total arable area you can set that paddock's Arable Area to zero. 

You can change this on the Edit Paddock window that appears after you've created the paddock. This is visible on both the Mobile and Web App. 

paddock details in sheep farm management software

Applying Records

Applying records to your animals is the same process as your sheep and cattle. If they have specific food they're fed or unique treatments you can add these into your inventory. For more information on how to do this see our Inventory article.


You can record breeding/joining of your animals by dragging them into paddocks together you'll initiate a joining record. For more information see our Joining article.

For this to work you'll have to enter your male animals in as bulls or rams and your females as cows or ewes.


Gaining insight from your records on your 'other' animals is achieved in the same way as sheep and cattle. For information see our Reporting article here. 

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