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Weight Record

Create and edit livestock weight records

Updated over a week ago

This step-by-step guide will demonstrate how to create weigh records for your Livestock. 

To learn how to record weights at an individual level, check out our article on weight goals. Read on to learn how to create new weigh records on mobile and web...

Create a New Weigh Record

Mobile App

On the Mobile App press on the Map icon and Select the Livestock tab.

Tap the Livestock group you are weighing and press View Details. From the Livestock Details page, press Weigh.

Fill out the New Weigh Record details and press Save. Press the cog in the top right to flick between basic and advanced fields to record minimum and maximum weights for that Livestock group.



Web App

On the Web App press on the Livestock tab and select the Add Records button.

Select Weigh.

Note that you can toggle between Basic and Advanced to allow for minimum and maximum weights to be recorded.

Fill out the required details and hit save.

Edit or Delete a Weigh Record 


Navigate into your livestock tab > and click on the mobs name in question. In the mobs history, find the weigh record and hit edit.

Correct any necessary details and hit save. Note that records can only be deleted from the mobile app, read on to learn how.


From the Livestock Summary, select the History tab at the top. Select the weigh record and tap the item arrow >

From the Weigh Record summary page, you can Edit, Duplicate, Add a Note or Delete the weight record. To finalise your changes, press Save

Average Weight Graph 

View the Average Weight Graph from the Livestock Summary Page. 

Reporting on Livestock Weights

Review, analyse, export and print your livestock record information from the Livestock tab from the left navigation panel. 

Your weights, Animal Units (DSE/LSU/AE) and livestock numbers for each of your Livestock groups will be displayed here. Click on Weight (KG/HEAD) to order weights from lowest to highest. 

To learn more about customising your reports, check out our article on Reporting.

More Helpful Links 

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