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Body Condition Scoring (BCS)

How to create body condition score records

Updated over 12 months ago

The condition scoring record is extremely useful throughout the season, especially when pre-joining and coming into lambing or calving. 

See Body Condition Score Reference Guide for further information on scoring your animals.

Create a New Body Condition Score

Mobile App

On the Mobile App press on the Map icon and Select the Livestock tab.

livestock selection menu

Tap the Livestock group you are body condition scoring and press View Details. From the Livestock Details page, press Score.

score icon

Fill out the New Body Condition Score Record details and press Save. Press the cog in the top right to flick between basic and advanced fields to record minimum and maximum scores for that Livestock group.



basic animal condition records

Basic plus...

advanced animal condition records

Press Open Scorer to input individual livestock scores on the go. By recording scores for each animal, the average, minimum and maximum scores will automatically be recorded. Once you have finished, press Done. It’s that simple! 

livestock scoring chart

From here, you can use this data to draft stock according to different condition score brackets. 

Web App

On the Web App press on the Livestock tab and select the Add Records button.

livestock record and new mob buttons

Select Condition Score.

create new animal record form

Note that you can toggle between Basic and Advanced to allow for minimum and maximum scores to be recorded.

animal record dropdown

Fill out the required details and hit save.

adding animal record data

Edit or Delete a Weight Record


Navigate into your livestock tab > and click on the mobs name in question. In the mobs history, find the body condition score record and hit edit.

deleting a weight record in livestock management tool

Correct any necessary details and hit save. Note that records can only be deleted from the mobile app, read on to learn how.


From the Livestock Summary, select the History tab at the top. Select the body condition score record and tap the item arrow >.

mobile animal record app

From the Body Condition Score Record summary page, you can Edit, Duplicate, Add a Note or Delete the weight record. To finalise your changes, press Save.

tools for editing animal records

Average Score Graph

View the Average Score Graph from the Livestock Summary page.

animal scoring chart

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