Moving livestock to another paddock is simple! On the Mobile App it is easy as hold, drag and drop.
Mobile App
From the Mob Details page on the Mobile App you can complete movements using the drop down list of paddock names.
Select More and then Move.
This action can all be accessed from the Mob List under the Livestock tab as well.
Merge livestock upon movement
If a merge is possible you will be able to select the livestock that you wish to merge in the target paddock.
Learn more by checking out our Merge Livestock article.
Livestock joining will be initiated by moving Bulls or Rams into the same paddock as Cows or Ewes. To end joining, move the Bulls or Rams to another paddock. Be sure to check out our article on Joining for more information.
Open Gate
Open and close gates at the time of a move. When a paddock is connected to other paddocks via gates, the from and to paddock boxes will display the number of connected paddocks and the option to update your gates.
Tap Update gates to open a list of connected paddocks
Check a paddock to open the gate or uncheck a paddock to close it.
Note: When opening a gate to a paddock connected to further paddocks by gates, you will also have the opportunity to open or close these.
Press Select to save your changes.
Backdating a Move, Split or Draft
A move can be backdated to the most recent record applied to the livestock. For example, if you are moving livestock which was moved 5 days ago, the earliest the move can be backdated is 5 days ago.
Web App
There a few ways to move mobs on the web app.
Drag and drop from the farm map:
Drag and drop a mob like you do on the mobile app. This will give you a confirmation pop-up to confirm the movement.
Move mobs from the livestock list:
Navigate to the Livestock list. Select the mobs you want to move
Select Add records button
Choose the Move record
Move mobs from the paddock summary:
From the farm map, select a paddock with mobs in it. This will open up the paddock & livestock summary
Select Create mob record button
Choose the Move record
More Livestock Information