Looking to record the pregnancy status of your animals in AgriWebb?
Create a New Scanning Record
Mobile App
From the Mobile App, tap on the Map Icon and select the Livestock tab.
Tap on the livestock group you would like to create the scanning record for and select More.
Press the Scan icon. If you don't see it, your livestock's Age Class is not a Ewe or Cow Age Class and is not considered able to lamb or calve. To change the Age Class, check out this article on how to Add Livestock.
To start the scanning process, enter the Scanning date. It will default to today's date automatically.
By tapping Basic or Advanced, you can choose to allocate results as Empty and Pregnant, or Empty, Singles, Twins, Triplets and Quads. It just depends on how you would like to record your scanning results.
You can also launch the Livestock Pregnancy Counter to count as you go.
Hit + to increase or - decrease your scanning count. It's that simple!
Following this, you can Draft and Split into groups according to the results. Once you have moved the livestock into their target paddocks you can edit their details and add a Management Tag according to their pregnancy status.
Web App
To add a scanning record on the Web App, press on the Livestock tab and select the Add Records button.
Select Pregnancy Scan.
Note that you can toggle between Basic or Advanced to add in more or less information on the number of Empty, Singles, Twins, Triplets and Quads you have.
Fill out the required details and hit save.
Edit or Delete a Pregnancy Scan Record
From the Livestock Summary, select the History tab at the top. Select the pregnancy scan record and tap the item arrow >.
From the Pregnancy Scan Record summary page, you can Edit, Duplicate, Add a Note or Delete the death record. To finalise your changes, press Save.
Navigate into your livestock tab and click on the mobs name in question. In the mobs history, find the pregnancy scan record and hit edit.
Correct any necessary details and hit save. Note that records can only be deleted from the mobile app, read above to learn how.
You can also edit pregnancy scan records directly from your pregnancy scan reports. To do so, navigate on the web to reports > pregnancy scan records.
Find the record that needs adjusting and hit edit > adjust details > save.
Make sure you check out our guides to help you through the rest of the season: