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Managing Planned Livestock Movements (Rotational Planner)
Managing Planned Livestock Movements (Rotational Planner)

How to handle livestock movements associated with your grazing rotations from the Rotational Planner

Updated over a month ago

The first step is to create a rotational plan via the Web App. See this article for instructions on how to create a rotational plan.

While doing livestock movements, you can make adjustments to an existing rotational plan to keep it up to date.

Potential Movement Conflicts

When planning your rotation, you may run various mobs throughout the same paddocks at the same time. If there are any conflicts, they will be identified through the Rotational Planner when designing your rotation. See the Rotational Planner article here. See also, the Grazing Chart for historic data on paddock rotations and stock load.

Manage Rotations on the Web App

To adjust your rotation on the web app you will need to navigate to the Grazing tab on the left hand navigation bar.

This will then bring you the rotational planner and grazing charts, to view a rotation and it's upcoming movements you will need to click on your desired rotation which you have created and are looking to alter.

Once you have clicked on the plan you will need to navigate to the top left hand corner to Edit Plan, this will then allow for you to make any necessary changes to you rotation.

Manage Rotations via Paddock Details on the Web App

Adjusting your rotations movements can also be done through the Paddock details window on both our Mobile and Web App's.

When clicking on the desired paddock you will need to ensure you have selected the Grazing tab selection at the top of the screen.

This will then present with all of the grazing data, plus the current rotation taking place within that paddock.

To view or edit the rotations you will need to select View Plan at the bottom of the grazing plan window.

Then, if you want to make a change you will need to navigate to Edit Plan in the top left corner.

Manage Rotations on the Mobile App

Rotations can also be viewed and edited through the Mobile App in various places.

View the next planned move per rotation on the Farm Map, under the Tasks tab. You can click on the marker to create the movement record.

Show or hide Planned moves via the cog icon in the control bar.

Grazing Rotations can be found under the Livestock Tab, where you would typically find your livestock lists.

Clicking into Grazing Rotations will bring up a tab which presents current rotations which are taking place, alongside any upcoming rotations which are scheduled.

Clicking into an existing plan will display further details. Along the right hand side you will see the historic and upcoming movements through each of the paddocks.

When there is a upcoming movement available, you can click "Move In" to take you to a movement record.

Within the movement record, you may see the 'Action Required' section and will have the option to either shorten the rotation, lengthen the rotations or change the paddocks altogether if any adjustments are needed.


Manage Rotations via the Task List on the Mobile App

When you create your Rotational Plan, your planned moves will appear as Tasks in the Task List on the mobile app.

When you click on the next scheduled planned move, the pre-filled Movement Record page will be opened so that it can be edited or saved.

When you click on a planned move that is not next scheduled, the Rotation page will be opened.

Manage Rotations via the Paddock Details on the Mobile App

From the Farm Map, clicking on the desired paddock will present the grazing data that features the grazing plan window below.

To alter the movements taking place, you will need to select View Plan, this will then open the movements tab, allowing for alterations to be made to the plan by pressing Move.

Planned move notifications

When a planned movement is about to take place you will now receive a notification to alert you that a mob movement is required.

You will receive a push notification to your device in the following scenarios:

  1. Rotational plan is assigned: When a Rotational plan is assigned to a user they will get an immediate push

  2. Rotational plan is edited: If the Rotational Plan is then edited, a new notification will send

  3. Planned movement is due: The day a movement is due a user will get a notification at 8am notifying them the job is due today

  4. Planned movement is overdue: The day after a movement was due the user will get a notification at 8am if the job has not been completed.

Note: Push notifications will only send when the user is next online.

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