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AgriWebb Marketplace & Connections

Enable a variety of integrations within AgriWebb

Updated over 11 months ago

AgriWebb Marketplace Overview

The AgriWebb Marketplace allows you to automatically integrate a growing number of systems across your operation. Once integrated data can flow seamlessly between the two systems, AgriWebb and the partner.

Getting to the Marketplace

The AgriWebb Marketplace is accessed in the Web App via Accounts > AgriWebb Marketplace. Each integration or service will have its own overview card which links to a page with more detail on that integration.

agriwebb marketplace dropdown

Activating an integration

*Note only users with the Administrator user role can enable integrations in the marketplace.

In cases requiring hardware, such as IOT devices, you will need to purchase and have that hardware and any associated account with the partner available prior to activating the integration.

Step 1. Enable the integration

When you first click “Enable” on the integration details page you will be prompted to select which farms you are enabling the integration for. Once you have selected the farms you will see a loading spinner and you will be quickly taken from AgriWebb to the partner site and back as the initial connection is established

Step 2. Grant access

Back in the AgriWebb portal you will see a dialog detailing what data the partner will be able to access and what permissions they have on that. If you are happy with the level of access you can proceed by clicking “Allow access” otherwise you can cancel here and choose not to enable the integration.

farmbot integration

Step 3. Partner account

If you allow access you will be taken to the partner site. You may be prompted to sign in to the partner account or setup a login. Follow the prompts all the way through.

Step 4. Complete

Once the partner account has been established you will be taken back to the AgriWebb portal and presented with a window showing that the integration is enabled.

You will also see that the status on the integration listing has changed to show “Enabled”.

This integration is now established and you do not need to take any further action. Data will start flowing between the systems automatically. Depending on the partner it may take a number of days for data to start showing up in AgriWebb.

If the status shows as “Pending” rather than "Enabled", the partner may still be processing things. You are free to navigate away from the integration page at this stage but if it remains pending for more than 24 hours please contact support.

Please note only the organisation admin role can allow access to data sharing integrations.

Paid integrations

We sometimes partner with providers who offer the ability to purchase and pay for their service on top of your AgriWebb subscription. This will be in addition to your AgriWebb subscription.

In those cases you will be able to see the pricing details on the integration page and will be prompted to confirm your purchase as part of enabling the integration.

Once purchased, this integration behaves like any other, with the same steps required to enable the integration above.

Disabling access

A key aspect of the marketplace is putting you in control of who has access to your farm’s data. As such you have the ability to disable an integration at any time. You can do this on a per farm basis as well as removing all access entirely.

Data that has previously been shared is retained and is not automatically removed from either AgriWebb or the partner but no new data sharing will take place and there is no further access from either party.

Disabling access only stops the flow of data. Disabling access does not automatically trigger a refund or cancel any service either with AgriWebb or the partner. This includes the case when you have purchased through AgriWebb. Please contact us if you need to cancel a service.

Adding new farms

If you acquire a new property you can add it to any integrations you have enabled. This is not done automatically, you will have to navigate to the marketplace and grant access to the new farm on every integration that you would like to have enabled on your new farm.

Click the 'Change' button, select 'change farms selection' to toggle on and off your farms within the list. This is also a good way to check what farms are enabled with the marketplace for those running multiple properties.

Depending on the partner, updates on your new farm may take up to a few days to start flowing through.

Have a question or need some help?

Every integration has a “Contact us’ link that allows you to talk to our support team and ask any question you might have or get support if things aren’t working as expected.

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Farmbot (Ranchbot)

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