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What is DSE?

Dry sheep equivalent explained

Updated over 4 months ago

DSE is used within AgriWebb to calculate your Stocking Rate and grazing load on pasture. DSE is an Australian standard used across AgriWebb for measuring the energy requirements of livestock. 

If you do not use DSE as standard for your operation, AgriWebb allows you to select between different animal units. You are able to choose between DSE, LSU and AE. Check out our article on Animal Units to learn more.

The DSE calculation in AgriWebb is taken from Agriculture Victoria government body. 1 DSE is equivalent to a 2 year old 45kg Merino sheep (wether or non-lactating, non-pregnant ewe) at maintenance.

1 DSE = 7.6 MJ ME/day.

The exact ME intake varies and it is important to do your own research regarding your stock and region to determine a more accurate DSE rating. Within AgriWebb this is only a baseline value.

Updating DSE

Mobile App

From the Map tab, select the livestock to update its DSE.

Tap & Hold the DSE box and update your DSE figure.

lamb records in rotational grazing app

Web App

Updating multiple livestock’s DSE values is much easier from the Web App. Firstly, select the Livestock tab.

livestock button in grazing management software

Select livestock by ticking the boxes to the left and click Update selected livestock’s DSE from the top right.

Enter the DSE value and press Save.

update record in grazing management software

Source for DSE definition:

More Helpful Links

MLA - Meat Livestock Australia
DPI - Department of Primary Industries (NSW)
Agriculture Victoria 

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