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Add and Assign Tasks

Create GPS enabled tasks on the map, assign to users and get notified

Updated over a week ago

The tasks feature allows teammates to work together to get jobs done. Tasks are anything that you or another teammate might need to do on-farm, for example, fixing a fence, feeding stock or filling a water trough. 

Tasks can be used to monitor the progress of employees and ensure high priority operations are completed. Tasks can also be placed in the exact location on your Farm Map, so that if you assign the task to another teammate they know where that task needs to be completed. 

Tasks can be created and assigned to employees via the Mobile App or Web App. 

Adding a Task from the Mobile App

From the Mobile App, select Tasks

tasks icon

Select the green + button to create a new task or tap and hold anywhere on the Task Map. 

Make sure you fill in the Task Name, all other information is optional.

task creation form

Once you have finished filling out the details, press Save.

Creating GPS Enabled Tasks

Before switching GPS on within AgriWebb, make sure your Location is switched on for your phone, this can be done in the Settings app of your mobile device.

To enable your GPS on AgriWebb;

  1. Open the Menu page in the AgriWebb Notebook.

  2. Select the Settings tab.

  3. Switch on the Enable GPS tracking tab

To add a GPS task;

  1. Open up the Task map.

  2. To hover over your location, tap the GPS crosshairs button. It will either be located in the bottom right corner of the map on iOS devices or on most Android devices in the top right hand corner.

    gps icon
  3. Press the Add ( + ) button in the bottom right hand corner to add a new task.

  4. Create the New Task as normal, however, this time leave the Location field empty. This will auto assign the task to your GPS location.

    new task form

  5. Note the New Task has been dropped to your GPS location.

    map with tasks

  6. To view the coordinates for your New Task tap on the Task Pin.

Once the task has been completed, to mark it as done, simply tap on the task and press Mark as done.

mark as done task icon

You will also see a number of other actions available for Tasks such as Edit, Copy Add Note and Delete. 

farm task tools

View Tasks on the Map

View Tasks on the map by selecting Tasks on the top selection bar. When selecting this you will see:

  • Assignee - via the initials

  • Priority - via the coloured star

  • Days until due date, or if overdue

tasks on livestock mapping map

Click on the Task Icon to view more details, which includes:

  • Exact Coordinates

  • Descriptions

  • Attached Images

  • Priority

  • Due Date

farm task detail view

Adding a Task from the Web App

Click Tasks from the navigation panel on the left.

task button

Press New Task and fill out the details to create a new task. Press Save.

Tasks will appear on your Farm Map as hammer icons, simply click on the task to see the Task Summary.

Task Report

The task report provides a list of active tasks and their priority, assignee, paddock, status and more!

farm task records

Task Report Tips

1. To view tasks that have been completed, click Show completed.

show completed tasks button

2. If you wish to create multiple similar tasks, simply click Copy and edit the details of the task. If you want to have multiple team members complete the same task, just copy the task and change the Assignee.

3. Press Done, to mark a task as Complete.

4. If you wish to change or add more details to a task, press Edit. When you have finished updating the task, press Save.

Adding Photos to Tasks

Photo's can be added to tasks. You can use photos on tasks to better represent the task at hand and requiring less description or the use of other tools (messaging, phone calls) to communicate details to the team.

To add a photo, create a task, then press the Add image button underneath the description field to choose from your camera roll or take a new photo.

add image icon

You will be limited to 3 images per task.




How much space does an image take up on my device?

We optimise the size of the image to reduce storage required. We limit the image size (to 3MB with a max width and height of 4000px) for optimal experience and to reduce time taken to sync.

However, the more images taken on device, the more storage will be required.

What happens when I add photos or want to view photos offline?

If you add photos offline you will be able to see them immediately. When you sync your device others who have access to those tasks will see them too (once they have synced).

If you want to view photos others have added offline you need to ensure both parties have synced their devices.

Can I access images on tasks from the web?

No, at this stage images on tasks are only visible on the mobile app.

Will I get a push notification if a task is assigned to me?

Yes, you will get a push notification if a task is assigned to you, or if a task that has been assigned to you is edited.

Will I get a push notification if I am offline?

No, but you will get the notification if you are back online.

I am not getting push notifications for tasks assigned to me?

Check your device settings (not the AgriWebb App) to allow notifications from AgriWebb.

Will I get a notification if a task is due soon/overdue?

No, not at this stage. Notifications are only pushed on task-assignment, but we are looking at adding more notifications soon 🔧

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