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Branding/Marking Reporting (Individuals)

Learn where to find your Branding/Marking figures by day, month or year!

Updated over a month ago

AgriWebb does not have a specific Branding or Marking report, instead, find your Branding and Marking figures in your Livestock Reconciliation Report.

Be sure to filter for the period of time you want to pull numbers for, and look underneath the 'Bred' column.

AgriWebb pulls animals into your bred column in the livestock reconciliation report based on their 'Date On Farm'. This means the 'Date On Farm' field can be used to capture their Branding or Marking date, or the date you want them to 'hit the books' or be accounted for. Whether you are branding young or old stock, animals will appear here on their 'Date On Farm'.

Setting your Branding/Marking dates

The below articles outline different options of adding livestock to AgriWebb. In each, there will be the option to specify a 'Date On Farm'. Either leave blank to default to their Date of Birth, or optionally add in your Branding/Marking date to this field.

Historical figures incorrect in your Livestock Reconciliation report?

If your numbers aren't quite right, be sure to check the 'Date On Farm' field for your animals.

If you account for animals at birth, then be sure this is equal to their Date Of Birth (leave the field blank to let AgriWebb do this for you automatically). If you account for animals at Branding/Marking, then ensure the 'Date On Farm' field is equal to that date. If you need to update animals details in bulk, see this article for further instruction, or watch the video below:

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