10 articles
Individual Animal Management FAQ'sAnswers to some of your burning questions about IAM
Enterprises and Management Groups (Individuals)How to set up your farm's Enterprises and Management Groups
Livestock List (Individuals)AgriWebb makes it easy to view your list of individual animals
Show Livestock on the Farm Map (Individuals)View your individual animals on the map
Animal Details & History (Individuals)View individuals details and history
Edit or Delete Livestock (Individuals)How to edit your individual animal's details or delete the animal
Livestock Age Classes (Individuals)How individual animal age classes are defined within AgriWebb
Animal Units (Individuals)Calculate stocking units to suit your operation
Bulk Update Livestock Details (Individuals) - CSV ImportHow to bulk update your individual animals details via a CSV.
Updating your Heifer Age Class (Individual)Instructions for bulk updating animals age class from heifer to cow in the IAM system.