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Wool Harvest Records

Shear up knowing entering shearing and crutching records is easy!

Updated over a week ago

The Wool Harvest record allows you to record shearing and crutching events.

Mobile App

On the Mobile App press on the Map icon and Select the Livestock tab.

wool harvest data

Tap the Livestock group you are recording a death for and press View Details.

From the livestock details page, press More, then select Wool Harvest from the Livestock Records.

Fill out the necessary information including the start and end date, if you are shearing or crutching, and enter in any miscellaneous details in the description field.

Enter in your wool yield, buyer and income details either by total to per line item as shown below.


Per Line

wool harvest tools

To enter in wool testing results, hit the '+ add test results' and to add any costs hit
'+ add costs'.

Here you can add test results per line or as a total, and costs as total or per head.

Test Results


When you have finished entering the details, press Save.

Web App

On the Web App press on the Livestock tab and select the Add Records button.

Select Wool Harvest

Fill out the required details and hit save.

You can then add details about your wool harvest yield, buyer and income either by total or per line item, as shown below

By Total

Per Line

To add in wool test results, tap on...

... and you can add the following details.

You can also add any costs by tapping...

Edit or Delete a Wool Harvest Record


Navigate into your livestock tab > and click on the mobs name in question. In the mobs history, find the wool harvest record and hit edit.

Correct any necessary details and hit save. Note that records can only be deleted from the mobile app, read on to learn how.

You can also edit wool harvest records directly from your wool harvest record report. To do so, navigate on the web to reports > Wool Harvest Records.

Find the record that needs adjusting and hit edit > adjust details > save.


From the Livestock Summary, select the History tab at the top. Select the Shearing or Crutching record and tap the item arrow >.

From the Shearing or Crutching Record summary page, you can Edit, Duplicate, Add a Note or Delete the record. To finalise your changes, press Save.

All of these details will pull into your Wool Harvest Report

Note: If you run other animals like Alpacas, all of the wool harvest records will be lumped together in your Wool Harvest Report. Make use of the 'Group By' feature to split out your different animals.

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