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Death Record

Cheer up knowing that creating Death Records is easy

Updated over a week ago

Looking to record dead livestock?

Create a New Death Record

Mobile App

On the Mobile App press on the Map icon and Select the Livestock tab.

Tap the Livestock group you are recording a death for and press View Details.

From the livestock details page, press More, then select Death from the Livestock Records.

Fill out the necessary information including the date and number of deaths by either Count or Rate (%). You can then enter the cause of death. To enter in carcass disposal information and associated costs, hit the cog in the top right > and tap advanced.



Basic plus ...

When you have finished entering the details, press Save.

Web App

On the Web App press on the Livestock tab and select the Add Records button.

Select Death.

Note that you can toggle between Basic and Advanced fields to allow for carcass disposal information and associated costs to be added.

Fill out the required details and hit save.

Edit or Delete a Death Record


Navigate into your livestock tab > and click on the mobs name in question. In the mobs history, find the death record and hit edit.

Correct any necessary details and hit save. Note that records can only be deleted from the mobile app, read on to learn how.

You can also edit death records directly from your death record report. To do so, navigate on the web to reports > death records.

Find the record that needs adjusting and hit edit > adjust details > save.


From the Livestock Summary, select the History tab at the top. Select the death record and tap the item arrow >.

From the Death Record summary page, you can Edit, Duplicate, Add a Note or Delete the death record. To finalise your changes, press Save.

Review and analyse your death record information from the Death Record Report

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